
Skill in Particular Craft

Craftmanship is skill in a particular art. At Familyfirst we take pride in our work. With our level of skills and expertise we hope to provide our clients with reliable, effective and safe counseling experience.

Our Team

Our team of counselors are trained and experienced in the field of counseling.


Registered and Licensed Counselor, Malaysian Board of Counselors
Syariah Advisor
Credentials : MA, (K.B., P.A.)
Phone : 017 9375 804


Master of Counseling 

My Counseling Philosophy

I believe working personal issues through counseling is an investment that lasts and benefits individuals the entire lifetime. Through counseling individual can see positive impact on all aspects of their lives and relationships.

So often, we go through life feeling unhappy about certain things, but have no idea how to change them because they have become so much a part of who we are. Therefore, I am committed to assisting individuals in developing greater understanding, insight and awareness of their personal issues, and helping them develop the tools and skills that are necessary to make healthy and empowering changes.

Further Training

Certification in Syariah Counseling (JAKIM)

Areas of Expertise


Registered and Licensed Counselor, Malaysian Board of Counselors
EMDR Therapist
Credentials : MA, (K.B., P.A.)
Phone : 019 2525 488


Master of Counseling 

My Counseling Philosophy

Life is full of challenges and it is a journey of experiences to learn from. Every now and then at different parts of the journey, we encounter some struggles. I am here to help individuals manage their life and relationships in a more positive, effective ways. Through the process of understanding yourself and what makes you do what you do, an individual build awareness. Once you build that awareness, it is easier to make the changes.

Counseling is a place to be able to be yourself and look at parts of you that are difficult to face. Although it can be painful, in the end it is a journey well worthwhile. I believe in integrating the counseling process with insight, spirituality and humor when appropriate.

Areas of Expertise